Does Water And Apple Cider Vinegar Burn Fat

Does Water And Apple Cider Vinegar Burn Fat

The apple cider vinegar weight loss diet has been a popular concept for a while now – but does this strong, cloudy condiment really help you lose weight?

First, the bad news

Much as we might wish it otherwise, there's no healthy way to drop a lot of weight quickly.

1-2 lbs of weight loss per week is usually recommended. Much more than that and it's unlikely you're losing fat and more likely it's water weight you're dropping.1

A balanced diet, exercise and enough sleep is the gold standard for maintaining health. For weight loss, burning more calories than you take in is what works, and because of the way the human body works, this will never change.

Now the good news

Now that's out of the way, you'll be pleased to hear there are plenty of natural ways to keep cravings under control, help your body function at its best and generally support your weight loss.

Once you stop seeing weight loss as an un-winnable battle, and educate yourself on the way your body works, you'll be in a good place to understand things like:

  • Why we get certain cravings
  • Why sugary foods leave us hungry
  • Why refined carbohydrates don't fill us up for long
  • Why good digestion is key for weight loss

Apple cider vinegar for weight loss has attracted plenty of attention in recent years, with celebrities and wellness experts declaring that it is the secret ingredient to their enviable physiques.

However, far from being a miraculous new Hollywood discovery, the humble apple cider vinegar has been used around the world for thousands of years in many cultures worldwide traditional medicine.2


  • There's good news and bad news with apple cider vinegar. Firstly, there is no weight loss miracle cure. Although there is some great ways to keep cravings under control.
apple cider vinegar

What is apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar (often shortened to ACV) is simply vinegar – which instead of being made from barley, corn rice or wine as with other vinegars – is made from apples.

To make apple cider vinegar, the natural sugars in crushed apples are fermented along with yeast to create alcohol. (Stopping the process here would leave you with a strong cider, which isn't renowned for its health benefits!)

Naturally-created bacteria then feed on the alcohol, neutralising it and creating acetic acid. This is where many of the health benefits of apple cider vinegar lie.3

Apple cider vinegar contains around 5% or 6% acetic acid.4

Acetic acid is a potent anti-bacterial substance.5 This is why acetic acid-rich vinegar is used in household cleaning.


  • Apple cider vinegar is made in a similar way to cider. Its fermented with yeast to create alcohol and then left so that bacteria can fed on it to create vinegar.
  • ACV contains around 5-6% acetic acid, which is a potent antibacterial substance that has been known to be used in household cleaning.

What are the nutritional benefits of apple cider vinegar?

Other than small amounts of potassium, calcium and magnesium, apple cider vinegar doesn't really contain any vitamins or minerals.6

However, apple cider vinegar is a great source of amino acids and antioxidants, which have proven health benefits.


  • Apple cider vinegar doesn't really contain any vitamins or minerals, however it is a great source of amino acids and antioxidants.

What is the apple cider vinegar diet?

The "apple cider vinegar diet" is quite simply a diet that requires having 1-2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar before every meal.

Its popularity has grown in society and amongst celebrities because of the notion that it may help improve metabolism.

apple cider vinegar flat lay

Five ways apple cider vinegar may help you lose weight

  1. Helps improve digestion

Unfiltered apple cider vinegar contains strands of protein, enzymes and healthy bacteria which is known as 'The Mother'.

This looks like a cloudy, cobwebby substance at the bottom of the bottle. This substance has probiotic properties, meaning it can support a healthy gut.7

When we eat or drink anything containing probiotic bacteria, such as apple cider vinegar, the friendly bacteria it contains encourages the growth of more healthy bacteria in the gut.

This supports a colony of beneficial gut bacteria (known as a microbiome).8

These beneficial bacteria help us digest and extract nutrients from the food we eat.9

If our microbiome is out of kilter and our levels of good bacteria are low, our bodies can't get nutrients from food as effectively – and apple cider vinegar can help with that.

So, in a nutshell – probiotic bacteria = better digestion = weight loss.10

Apple cider vinegar might be especially helpful to boost aid normal digestion in older people those with an autoimmune disease, or those with anaemia.11

Those people in these categories usually experience lower levels of stomach acid. This can make digestion more sluggish.

Apple cider vinegar is a highly acidic substance so the theory is that taking some each day will help raise stomach acid levels and give digestion a helping hand.

  1. Acts as a natural laxative

We all know that constipation leaves us feeling bloated and heavy while eliminating waste leaves us feeling lighter.

Adding apple cider vinegar to your morning routine could help you get going for the day.

It's not been proven in scientific studies, but many people feel that a daily dose of ACV in the morning helps to cleanse the digestive system ready for a new day.

This could be because apple cider vinegar is a source of pectin, a type of soluble fibre which is found in apples.

Pectin acts as a natural laxative and could help to stimulate a bowel movement.

The levels of pectin found in apple cider vinegar are not definitively known, as it's generally found in the apple skin and fruit itself rather than the juice.12

However, a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with your morning glass of water might help get things moving so you can start your day feeling good.

  1. Helps stabilise blood sugar

Eating foods high in sugar or refined carbohydrates can cause a sudden rise, or 'spike', in blood sugar soon after eating.

This blood sugar spike causes your body to produce lots of insulin to allow the glucose to enter your body's cells to be used as energy.

If you're experiencing frequent blood sugar spikes, it means your body is producing too much insulin, and your body can stop recognising it.

Over time, this is a risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes.

Also, the subsequent blood sugar drop after a spike leads to increased feelings of hunger, cravings and potentially overeating. This, in turn, leads to weight gain over time.

It's been scientifically proven that vinegar, including apple cider vinegar, can help prevent rapid raises in blood sugar, which can help keep your weight stable.

This is thought to be down to the acetic acid that vinegar contains.13,14

One study saw volunteers eat a high-carbohydrate meal of white bread along with some high acetic acid vinegar.

Blood glucoses and insulin responses were both significantly lower after the meal than when the bread was eaten without vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar can also improve insulin sensitivity, making it easier for the body's cells to recognise insulin, reducing blood sugar spikes and troughs and minimising the risk of type 2 diabetes.15

  1. Keep you fuller for longer

Could taking vinegar with a meal keep you satisfied and less likely to reach for a snack not long after eating?

Amazingly, yes. Studies have shown that vinegar supplementation increases satiety after eating a high-carbohydrate meal containing bread.16

Apple cider vinegar is thought to slow stomach emptying, which is why you feel more satisfied for a longer period of time after eating.17

Feeling increased fullness after a meal reduces the likelihood of snacking and eating fewer calories overall.

  1. It suppresses your appetite

It's not just the strong taste of apple cider vinegar putting people off their food.

Researchers based at Imperial College London have found that acetate – a key component in acetic acid – has a central role in appetite regulation.18

More research is needed in this area, but in the meantime, add apple cider vinegar to sauces, dressings and marinades and see if it can support you to eat fewer calories overall.


There are five ways in which apple cider vinegar may help with weight loss. These include helping digestion and gut health, supporting blood sugar levels and suppress appetite.

apple cider vinegar drink with tape measure

Apple cider vinegar weight loss drink

Drinking apple cider vinegar straight isn't recommended.

Not only does it have a strong taste that many people find unpleasant, but it's also very acidic and can erode tooth enamel and irritate the lining of your oesophagus if regularly taken neat.

So we've come up with a tasty recommendation of how you drink apple cider vinegar more easily.

Preparation time: 2 minutes

Dilute one to two tablespoons in 250ml of water

Optional extras to make it more appetizing:

  • Add crushed fresh mint leaves
  • Add a slice of fresh ginger
  • Add your ACV to warm herbal tea to dilute the acidic flavour
  • Using two tablespoons of ACV in a salad dressing in place of white wine vinegar
  • A warm lemon and honey drink is excellent at disguising the strong taste of ACV

Top tips when it comes to apple cider vinegar

Always rinse your mouth after drinking apple cider vinegar to help protect your tooth enamel.

If diluting apple cider vinegar in a cold drink, you could use a straw so the liquid goes straight to the back of your mouth, minimising the contact with your teeth.

Choose raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar with 'The Mother' to retain the healthy bacteria and ensure your ACV has as many nutrients as possible.

You can spot unfiltered ACV by the distinctive cloudy, floating substance towards the bottom of the bottle. It should also be indicated on the label.

A summary of apple cider vinegar

There isn't a huge amount of research that suggests that apple cider vinegar is a miracle health cure.

However, the information at our disposal suggests that it has many health benefits.

If you are looking to lose weight, the best option would be to concentrate on your calorie and sugar intake as part of a healthy, balanced diet.

Apple cider vinegar FAQs...

Apple cider vinegar is generally safe for the body in small doses (up to 2 tablespoons per day for adults), but taking large amounts is not recommended.

It's thought that regularly consuming large quantities of apple cider vinegar, especially in an undiluted form, may cause digestive issues, damage your teeth, and affect potassium levels.

In addition, due to apple cider vinegar's potential blood sugar-lowering properties, it's advisable to check with your GP if you're thinking of taking it as a diabetic, as it may interfere with some diabetic medications.

You can read more into this by heading to our dedicated Is it safe to drink apple cider vinegar every day? Page on the health hub.

It is thought it may reduce side effects of indigestion if you take apple cider vinegar at least 30 minutes before bed. This will help avoid any acid reflux symptoms when lying down.

So, you're aware that apple cider vinegar comes in liquid form. But it might also be worth knowing that you can also get it in pill form.

Apple cider vinegar pills are seen as a good alternative to juices as they are less harsh on your teeth. Both have the same health benefits.

The advice in this article is for information only and should not replace medical care. Please check with your GP or healthcare professional before trying any supplements, treatments or remedies. Food supplements must not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Last updated: 2 September 2021

Does Water And Apple Cider Vinegar Burn Fat



Aarp Weight Watchers Discount

Aarp Weight Watchers Discount

Health Care

Getting nutritional advice can be helpful.

Image Credit: utah778/iStock/Getty Images

United Healthcare is a publicly traded company offering health-related products and services to millions people. United Healthcare offers an assortment of health coverage programs to small and large groups with varied benefit packages. Depending on which program you or your employer chooses, you may have a variety of weight loss resources available to you. Regardless of which program you are covered by, there are weight management resources available to all members.

Online Coach

All members of United Healthcare have an online weight management coach available. After you enter some of your basic health information, the online coach devises a personalized diet and exercise program for you. Menu suggestions are available, or you can choose your own food items. When you enter your choices, the online coach provides you with caloric feedback and a nutritional analysis. The coach estimates the number of calories you need to burn through exercise and calorie deficit to produce your desired weight loss, while giving you motivational support and plenty of information.

Nutritional Counseling

If both your physician and the plan coordinator agree that your weight is causing additional health problems, you may be eligible for nutritional counseling benefits where you are able to meet with a registered dietitian to devise a plan specifically for your nutritional needs. If you are deemed eligible, your coverage includes three meetings per illness. Examples of conditions that are covered for nutritional counseling benefits include diabetes, coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, severe obstructive airway disease, gout and renal failure. Obesity and being overweight are among the conditions that are not covered for nutritional counseling benefits.

Mental Health

If your plan includes mental health benefits and United Healthcare considers your weight to be the result of a mental health issue, you may be eligible to meet with a therapist to devise a weight loss plan. Benefits for mental health vary by plan and by your location.


If your doctor and United Healthcare agree that you are eligible for weight loss surgery to improve your chronic health problems, you may be eligible for weight loss surgery. After meeting a deductible, if your plan has one, your cost may include a percentage of the cost of surgery, hospitalization and other fees.

Weight Watchers

United Healthcare offers certain members free registration and discounted weekly fees to attend Weight Watchers meetings. Some employers, like UPS, even offer employees an incentive to attend the discounted meetings. Weight Watchers benefits vary depending on your plan and where you live.


If you are concerned with weight loss because you suffer from additional health problems related to your weight, the first place to take action is your doctor's office. United Healthcare always covers visits to your doctor if you are injured or sick, and it provides preventative health benefits for services deemed necessary by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, including diabetes screenings, cholesterol screenings, blood pressure checks and counseling for a healthy diet.

Aarp Weight Watchers Discount



2014 Aprilia Rsv4 Factory Aprc Abs

2014 Aprilia Rsv4 Factory Aprc Abs

Aprilia RSV4 Factory APRC ABS Specs


Only images from Creative Commons allowed. Ultimate Specs does not claim ownership of user submitted images.

The Aprilia RSV4 Factory APRC ABS model is a Sport bike manufactured by Aprilia . In this version sold from year 2014 , the dry weight is 181.0 kg (399.0 pounds) and it is equipped with a V4, four-stroke motor. The engine produces a maximum peak output power of 184.00 HP (134.3 kW)) @ 12500 RPM and a maximum torque of 117.00 Nm (11.9 kgf-m or 86.3 ft.lbs) @ 10000 RPM . With this drive-train, the Aprilia RSV4 Factory APRC ABS is capable of reaching a maximum top speed of  . On the topic of chassis characteristics, responsible for road holding, handling behavior and ride comfort, the Aprilia RSV4 Factory APRC ABS has a Twin-spar adjustable aluminium frame, with castings and pressings. frame with front suspension being Ohlins Racing upside-down fork, 43-mm stanchions (with Tin surface treatment). Low profile forged aluminium radial caliper mountings. Completely adjustable spring preload and hydraulic compression and rebound damping. Wheel travel: 120 mm and at the rear, it is equipped with Twin sided aluminium swingarm. ÖHLINS piggyback shock absorber with adjustable spring preload, compression, rebound damping and length. . Stock tire sizes are 120/70-ZR17 on the front, and 200/55-ZR17 on the rear. As for stopping power, the Aprilia RSV4 Factory APRC ABS braking system includes Double disc. ABS. Floating stainless steel disc size 320 mm (12.6 inches) at the front and Single disc. ABS. Floating calliper with two 32mm isolated pistons size 220 mm (8.7 inches) at the back.

Aprilia RSV4 Factory APRC ABS General Information

Brand Aprilia
Model Aprilia RSV4 Factory APRC ABS
Start year 2014
Year 2014
Category Sport
Factory Warranty (Years / miles) 2-year unlimited-mileage warranty

Aprilia RSV4 Factory APRC ABS Dimensions, Aerodynamics and weight

Frame type Twin-spar adjustable aluminium frame, with castings and pressings.
Seat details -
Wheelbase -
Length 2,040 mm (80.3 inches)
Width 735 mm (28.9 inches)
Height 1,120 mm (44.1 inches)
Seat Height 845 mm (33.3 inches) If adjustable, lowest setting.
Alternate Seat Height -
Ground Clearance 130 mm (5.1 inches)
Trail size 105 mm (4.1 inches)
Wheels details Forged aluminium alloy rims, completely machined, 5 split spokes. Front:3.5"X17" Rear: 6"X17"
Front Tyres - Rims dimensions 120/70-ZR17
Rear Tyres - Rims dimensions 200/55-ZR17
Front brakes Double disc. ABS. Floating stainless steel disc
Rear brakes Single disc. ABS. Floating calliper with two 32mm isolated pistons
Front Brakes Dimensions - Disc Dimensions 320 mm (12.6 inches)
Rear Brakes Dimensions - Disc Dimensions 220 mm (8.7 inches)
Curb Weight (including fluids) -
Dry Weight 181.0 kg (399.0 pounds)
Front Percentage of Weight -
Rear Percentage of Weight -
Weight-Power Output Ratio : 1.0166 HP/kg
Fuel Tank Capacity 17.00 litres (4.49 gallons)
Reserve Fuel Capacity -
Carrying Details and Capacity -
Front Suspension Ohlins Racing upside-down fork, 43-mm stanchions (with Tin surface treatment). Low profile forged aluminium radial caliper mountings. Completely adjustable spring preload and hydraulic compression and rebound damping. Wheel travel: 120 mm
Front Suspension Travel 120 mm (4.7 inches)
Rear Suspension Twin sided aluminium swingarm. ÖHLINS piggyback shock absorber with adjustable spring preload, compression, rebound damping and length.
Rear Suspension Travel 130 mm (5.1 inches)

Aprilia RSV4 Factory APRC ABS Engine and Transmission Technical Data

Engine type - Number of cylinders V4, four-stroke
Engine details Longitudinal 65° V-4 cylinder
Fuel system Injection. Airbox with front dynamic air intakes. Variable length intake ducts controlled via ECU. 4 Weber-Marelli Ø48-mm throttle bodies with 8 injectors and latest generation Ride-by-Wire engine management.
Engine size - Displacement - Engine capacity 999.60 ccm (61.00 cubic inches)
Bore x Stroke 78.0 x 52.3 mm (3.1 x 2.1 inches)
Compression Ratio 13.0:1
Number of valves per cylinder 4
Camshaft Valvetrain Configuration Double Overhead Cams/Twin Cam (DOHC)
Maximum power - Output - Horsepower 184.00 HP (134.3 kW)) @ 12500 RPM
Maximum torque 117.00 Nm (11.9 kgf-m or 86.3 ft.lbs) @ 10000 RPM
Engine Maximum RPM -
Cooling system Liquid
Lubrication system Wet sump lubrication system with oil radiator and two oil pumps (lubrication and cooling)
Engine oil capacity -
Exhaust system System 4 into 2 into 1 layout, single oxygen sensor, lateral single silencer with engine control unit-controlled butterfly valve and integrated trivalent catalytic converter (Euro 3)
Gearbox 6-speed
Transmission type, final drive ratio Chain
Clutch type Multi-disc oil-bath, with mechanical slipper system
Driveline Primary: Straight cut gears and integrated flexible coupling, drive ratio: 73/44 (1,659) . Final: Chain: Drive ratio: 40/16 (2,5) .

Aprilia RSV4 Factory APRC ABS Performance

Top Speed -
Acceleration 0 to 100 km/h (0 to 62 mph) -
Acceleration 0 to 400m (1/4 mile) -
Recuperation 60 to 140 km/h in highest gear -
Fuel Consumption - MPG - Economy - Efficiency -
CO2 emissions -
Emissions -

Aprilia RSV4 Factory APRC ABS Electrical Systems, Ignition and Equipment

Ignition Type Magneti Marelli digital electronic ignition system integrated in engine control system, with one spark plug per cylinder and â€Å“stick-coil”-type coils
Electrical Details Flywheel mounted 420W alternator with rare earth magnets.
Starter Type Electric
Instruments Dual display mode for instrument panel display: ROAD and RACE.
Lights -

How much horsepower does a Aprilia RSV4 Factory APRC ABS have?
The Aprilia RSV4 Factory APRC ABS has 184.00 HP (134.3 kW)) @ 12500 RPM.

How much does a Aprilia RSV4 Factory APRC ABS weighs?
The Aprilia RSV4 Factory APRC ABS weighs 181.0 kg (399.0 pounds).

How tall (seat height) is a Aprilia RSV4 Factory APRC ABS?
The Aprilia RSV4 Factory APRC ABS seat height is 845 mm (33.3 inches) If adjustable, lowest setting.

How many gears does a Aprilia RSV4 Factory APRC ABS have?
The Aprilia RSV4 Factory APRC ABS have 6 gears.

2014 Aprilia Rsv4 Factory Aprc Abs



2016 Harley Davidson Street Bob Specs

2016 Harley Davidson Street Bob Specs


Harley-Davidson FXDBI Dyna Street Bob motorcycle review - Riding


At a glance

Owners' reliability rating: 3.6 out of 5 (3.6/5)
Annual servicing cost: £300
Power: 67 bhp
Seat height: Low (25.8 in / 655 mm)
Weight: High (635 lbs / 288 kg)


New £10,995

Used £8,000 - £11,000

Overall rating

Next up: Ride & brakes

4 out of 5 (4/5)

If you're wondering about the Harley-Davidson Dyna Street Bob's name, it comes from the 'bobber' fashion in the custom world inspired by the post-WWII movement which saw ex-military Harleys chopped down with low seats, fat tyres and Ape hanger bars. The Harley-Davidson Dyna Street Bob, based on the ubiquitous Super Glide, takes this minimalism to the limit with a low seat, classic Fat Bob tank, wire wheels, Ape hangers and satin paint. Cool it is.

Ride quality & brakes

Next up: Engine

3 out of 5 (3/5)

Neither of these are top of the Harley-Davidson Dyna Street Bob's wish list, but then, one look at those bars and you probably already knew that. That said, the ride, thanks to half-decent suspension, is fairly flush. Instead it's the Harley-Davidson Dyna Street Bob's extreme riding position that rules out long journeys or tackling switchbacks with impunity.


Next up: Reliability

3 out of 5 (3/5)

Although when launched the Harley-Davidson Dyna Street Bob had the Twin Cam 1449cc lump, like all Big Twin Hogs, for 2007 it gets the new 1584cc unit. There's more torque and improved performance, but it's still essentially the same old Harley V-twin it's been for Eons. Which is both incomprehensible and perfect for the kind of motorcycle the Harley-Davidson Dyna Street Bob is.

Reliability & build quality

Next up: Value

4 out of 5 (4/5)

Again, the Harley-Davidson Dyna Street Bob is a modern Harley motorcycle, so paint, build quality, robustness etc are a given to be amongst the best anywhere. Reliability is a pretty much beyond question, too, after all this is a big, massively refined yet understressed motorcycle ridden very little and serviced often by wealthy people. So go figure…

Value vs rivals

Next up: Equipment

4 out of 5 (4/5)

For style per buck, the Harley-Davidson Dyna Street Bob is among the best of all Harley-Davidson motorcycles. The Super Glide may be a tad cheaper, but it can't match this for sheer pose factory and crowd drawing ability and if you're into Harleys, that counts for a lot. Find a Harley-Davidson Street Bob for sale.


2 out of 5 (2/5)

As the Harley-Davidson Dyna Street Bob is a minimalist concoction based on the already basic Harley-Davidson Dyna Super Glide, don't expect any frills. And there aren't any. Even the paint (on the Denim black version) has been deprived of its lustre. What you get with the Harley-Davidson Dyna Street Bob is two (fat) wheels, one (big) V-twin engine, a single seat some ape hanger bars and not a lot else.


Engine size 1800cc
Engine type Steel twin double cradle
Frame type Steel twin double cradle
Fuel capacity 1584 litres
Seat height 655mm
Bike weight 288kg
Front suspension None
Rear suspension Preload
Front brake Single 300mm disc
Rear brake Single 292mm disc
Front tyre size 100/90 x 19
Rear tyre size 160/70 x 16

Mpg, costs & insurance

Average fuel consumption 43 mpg
Annual road tax £96
Annual service cost £300
New price £10,995
Used price £8,000 - £11,000
Insurance group 15 of 17
How much to insure?
Warranty term Two year unlimited mileage

Top speed & performance

Max power 67 bhp
Max torque 81 ft-lb
Top speed 115 mph
1/4 mile acceleration 13.5 secs
Tank range 135 miles

Model history & versions

Model history

2006: Harley-Davidson Dyna Street Bob launched.
2007: Harley-Davidson Dyna Street Bob updated with 1584cc engine.

MCN Long term test reports

Get a Harley-Davidson Street Bob for £99

Get a Harley-Davidson Street Bob for £99

You can now get a Harley-Davidson StreetBob for just £99 per month with a new official finance offer. The idea is to make the £9095 model more accessible for novice and experienced riders alike. As owned by MCN columnist and Top Gear presenter Richard Hammond, the Street Bob has a new blac

Read the latest report

Owners' reviews for the HARLEY-DAVIDSON STREET BOB (2006 - on)

10 owners have reviewed their HARLEY-DAVIDSON STREET BOB (2006 - on) and rated it in a number of areas. Read what they have to say and what they like and dislike about the bike below.

Review your HARLEY-DAVIDSON STREET BOB (2006 - on)

Summary of owners' reviews

Overall rating: 4.1 out of 5 (4.1/5)
Ride quality & brakes: 3.6 out of 5 (3.6/5)
Engine: 4.4 out of 5 (4.4/5)
Reliability & build quality: 3.6 out of 5 (3.6/5)
Value vs rivals: 4.1 out of 5 (4.1/5)
Equipment: 2.9 out of 5 (2.9/5)
Annual servicing cost: £300

4 out of 5 Street Bob 2020

09 July 2021

Year: 2020

Engine is stunning - it is not like the HD of old, still has that Harley vibe but doesnt move itself of the stand ! Dealers are chilled out and friendly but HD know how to charge for extras ! But, and its a big but for me - everytime I press the starter it brings a smile to my face and after 30 different bikes of all types over the years thats all I need !

Ride quality & brakes 4 out of 5

Lovely position for me but front brake could be a bit more confidence inspiring.

Engine 5 out of 5

Torque, torque and even more torque !

Reliability & build quality 5 out of 5

Value vs rivals 5 out of 5

Lack of depreciation is a massive bonus.

Equipment 5 out of 5

Favourite features are keyless start and built in USB charging

5 out of 5 Big Harley at a Bargain Price

25 April 2020 by Steve Edmans

Year: 2019

Annual servicing cost: £300

Its a gorgeous machine & captures the look & feel of a true bobber (unlike some bikes with that name). The mighty Milwaukee 8 1745cc motor produces loads of power & torque & all at a price comparable with much lesser bikes. I would recommend this bike to anyone that wants the real deal.

Ride quality & brakes 4 out of 5

Pretty comfortable for a couple of hours which just about coincides with the need for a fuel stop.

Engine 5 out of 5

Torque monster, great sound with Vance & Hines pipes fitted.

Reliability & build quality 5 out of 5

Superb solid engineering & a quality finish.

Value vs rivals 4 out of 5

The bike itself is a 5 out of 5 bargain but servicing & accessories are on the expensive side.

Equipment 3 out of 5

Great spec for the price but no passenger footpegs or heated grips.These are quite expensive extras.

Buying experience: Maidstone Harley Davidson are great to deal with. I was very pleased with the deal they did for me.

1 out of 5 harley rusty davidson

04 March 2014 by rockincurt

2014 streetbob 4 months old and already going rusty, I have had problem with brake lever not returning properly, blown bulbs I keep the bike in garage all the time , cleaned all the time , Harley uk are not interested , local dealer say well you shouldn't really ride Harleys in the winter.I am absolutely disgusted overpriced , and poor quality.I have been riding for 30 years and this is the poorest quality bike I have ridden.

Ride quality & brakes 3 out of 5

Engine 2 out of 5

Reliability & build quality 1 out of 5

Value vs rivals 1 out of 5

Equipment 1 out of 5

4 out of 5 Real Bad Boy Looking

07 October 2013 by IsraelsRSV

I have never owned a Harley, but have worked for Harley Davidson as a mechanic and have had a wee go of most Harley's hundreds of times. The Street Bob is one of my favorite Harley's. Its got the real bad boy look in the mat black and with a few blacked out bits and a sidey number plate looks the dogs balloons. The engine is reliable and strong and everything about Harley's is solid. I find the DYNA range spot on. Bigger and badder than sportsters but without the outrageous weight of the bigger bikes. Not much more to buy the a 1200 sportser either. They really do need forward controls like the early models had standard. The bars should line up with the forks from a side view but some people put them forward for look, but this makes it harder than it already is to control at slow speeds or around town (unless you've got arms like a giraffes neck). The Systems Relays blow on all modern fuel injection harley's all the time so keep a few spare, the ignition will come on and you won't hear the fuel and the bike won't start. Voltage regulators need to kept as out of rain as poss, stupid that they are right behind the front wheel. Over all cool harley

Ride quality & brakes 3 out of 5

Engine 4 out of 5

Reliability & build quality 4 out of 5

Value vs rivals 4 out of 5

Equipment 3 out of 5

5 out of 5 Wake up the dead

01 February 2009 by all624

Mean looks, acceptable handling (for what it is)and full V&H exhaust system is what old style biking is all about. The brakes at rubbish, the suspension not much better, but hey who cares. Surprisingly fast at cruising on the motorway and has "reasonably" build quality. Really love it though.

Ride quality & brakes 3 out of 5

Engine 5 out of 5

Reliability & build quality 3 out of 5

Value vs rivals 5 out of 5

Equipment 2 out of 5

5 out of 5 Harley Bob

18 September 2008 by peter rabbit

Jumping off a Z750 to Harley Bob was a bit of a shock at first. It would be even worse doing it from a sports bike. It takes time to get to know a Harley, know how to ride it, know how to stop it and most of all know how to enjoy it. You need to forget preconceptions and "get" the Harley thing. Forget the owners group preconceptions forget the slow tractor stuff and takke time to appreciate what it really is. Harleys have soul. If you had bikes before the onslaught of the Japanese, you'll know what I mean. Not that there is anything wrong with Japanese biukes - they're just a different concept. If you are not sure - go hire a Harley for a weekend, but have a mission in mind - go some place special and then see if you "get" it.

Ride quality & brakes 3 out of 5

Engine 5 out of 5

Reliability & build quality 3 out of 5

Value vs rivals 4 out of 5

Equipment 4 out of 5

5 out of 5 Harley Convert

10 March 2008 by cdheinrich

I've been riding for 21 years, before this I owned 4 honda's and a 2 yamaha, all street bikes. I love this bike, big breaks make stopping easy with a passenger (unlike my honda shadow), nothing rattles when you go over bumbs, paint is high quality, lots of torque means I don't shift down. The mini ape handle bars add to the handling in that the require extremely small input for turning. I love the way this bike looks, it has a comfortable seat that my 35 year old bum can handle for 400 miles without complaining. A set of slip ons and new air filter and I don't shift down at highway speeds anymore. This has the 6 speed transmission. I average 50 mpg mixed driving. It is heavy enough that 20mph crosswinds don't send me leaning to the ground. My only complaint is harley's maintenance plan which is expensive and overkill (changing gear fluid every 5k miles?? plllease) But while I hate the maint. plan, I love this bike. I hope to keep it for a long time.

Ride quality & brakes 5 out of 5

Engine 5 out of 5

Reliability & build quality 5 out of 5

Value vs rivals 5 out of 5

Equipment 4 out of 5

3 out of 5 Rusty the Street Bob

24 August 2007 by racertwo

My first "new" Harley, an 07 gloss black Street Bob, great looks, fun to ride, very comfy but, quality is poor, several parts went rusty within weeks, steering stem at the base of the bottom yolk, footrest shims, wheel bearings and exhaust ends are the obvious ones, the engine fin machining is so sharp I was cut twice when cleaning it, the front brake is very poor, no shock adjustment tool is supplied with a £9k bike ! after 2 months the headlight rivets gave up, this is the one item they were interested to sort out under warranty. The dealer has been good but the Harley rep blamed the wet weather for the rust and has admitted that HD HQ dont listen to complaints. For a few "cents" this bike would be a lot better. Other than those few things the bike is a lot of fun to ride.

Ride quality & brakes 3 out of 5

Engine 4 out of 5

Reliability & build quality 1 out of 5

Value vs rivals 3 out of 5

Equipment 2 out of 5

5 out of 5 Bob and me are an Item...

11 August 2007 by billecosse

Bought my Street Bob in March 07 after 3 years of Sportster ownership (Another great bike) Loved it from the moment it arrived, looks good and feels good. Some minor changes since purchase which include, Vance and Hines slip ons, smoked lenses, Kuryakyn rear light, lay down plate etc. Most of my riding is on A and B roads and the Bob does just fine here. Okay it's never going to beat a race rep round the twisties, but for a feel good feeling it's hard to match. Bike cruises happily at 70-80 and the 1584 engine is quite happy to go much faster, but with those ape hangers and no wind protection it's hard to sustain speeds above 90 for any length of time, but then again why would you? Thjat's not what the Street Bob's about. I find the seat can get uncomfortable after 100 miles (but that may be my ageing body rather than anything wrong with the seat) and fuel consumption isn't great at around 40mpg. I have done a few 3-400 mile trips in a day and as long as you stop to stretch your legs now and then it's fine. I may change the mid-controls/bars/seat just to see if I can find a more comfortable position, however this will be done slowly as I changed the bars and seat on the Sportster and whilst it looked great it was awful for long distance riding. Will I change it for something else? Probably not in the near future as I love every mile, but should my body continue to deteriorate in this way (damn all that hard living!) a bagger may be in line for the future. So if you are considering a Harley the Street Bob is great value for money and also a great base if you're into customising. Aren't all Harley owners into this? One thing I will say is that after 28 years of riding, the Harleys have given me more fun than any of the Italian or Japanese bikes I have ridden and I have also done more miles on them than I did on any of my other bikes in years and that I think speaks for itself… The bike is only 4 months old and I have done 3,800 miles already and I don't commute due to my work. So every mile has been stolen and even my wife dosn't mind... as she loves the bike too. In fact it has inspired her so much that she is now taking her CBT. Might also be the fact that the Bob only has a single seat and she don't trust me on my own! Whatever it is I'm sure she'll have her own HD once she passes her test.

Ride quality & brakes 4 out of 5

Engine 5 out of 5

Reliability & build quality 5 out of 5

Value vs rivals 5 out of 5

Equipment 3 out of 5

4 out of 5 bobber

04 March 2007 by bobber

already done 6000 miles found it to be a great tourer with lots of comfort for the miles

Ride quality & brakes 4 out of 5

Engine 4 out of 5

Reliability & build quality 4 out of 5

Value vs rivals 5 out of 5

Equipment 2 out of 5

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